Intrinsic Tensions in Organizations
Two Different but Related Frameworks
The fundamental relationship dynamic is the organization versus the person, but we should replace that here with the present focus: management v employees.
Management is bounded by the organization: it represents the organization, and necessarily views employees impersonally as another essential resource, the «human» resource.
You, the employee, are a person with a life outside the organization. Your interests and management's cannot perfectly coincide—even if you are management! That is why we need two Tree frameworks:
► one to help management
► one to help you .
Two Polarizing Tensions
dynamic duality) that sparks a need for balance amongst the various relevant factors defined by each of the levels.
To create a Tree framework from a THEE hierarchy, it is necessary to identify the polarizing tension (called aFor management, the polarizing tension in differentiating or discriminating staff and their duties, and viewing staff and their duties as uniform and undifferentiated. Detail:►
► This dynamic duality is labelled: Uniformity v Differentiation.
For employees, the polarizing tension in yourself (currently and going forward), and duties towards and concerns for the employing organization. Detail:►
► This dynamic duality is labelled: Self v Organization
These polarities will manifest differently for management and for an employee at each level of expectation in an organization,

The two frameworks are derived from the requirements of the organization and share its levels (originally groupings). To distinguish where necessary, the formula for the management level will end with (M) or -Mgt e.g. CG1(M); and that for the employee will end with (E) or -Emp e.g. CG3-Emp.
The management relations tree is provisionally named: the
for the organization i.e. handling in terms of providing 'good' management.For the dynamic duality in the text and diagrams,
● the uniformity pole will be indicated by a subscript U, and
● the differentiation pole will be indicated by a subscript D.
The employee relations tree is provisionally named: the
i.e. handling in terms of actively managing your position within an organization.For the dynamic duality in the text and diagrams,
● the self-oriented pole will be indicated by a subscript S, and
● the organization-oriented pole will be indicated by a subscript O.
Fusion of the Poles: Centres that show a fusion or synthesis of the two poles will be indicated by a subscript B (for balanced) and placed centrally in the Tree diagram.
Dominance: As a matter of convention, where there are 2 Centres in a level, the dominant Centre will be placed on the right in the Tree diagram.
Either get a clear focus now on:
- the divergence of management and employee interests;
OR: - start now to build the framework for either management or the employee.;
OR: - first see the end result for both frameworks.
Originally posted: 30-Nov-2011